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Iam in the process of getting a new Iaito myself as I have been using one that has been some what smaller for my height. I'll more than likely get one from Nine Cirlces as I was told by a friend of mine when purchasing a sword from Tozando to the UK, he had it crushed by the British authorities because of the legal implications involving swords at the time (long story!) but I have been told that Tozando also do good swords. See what others say on the forum. I take it you have been to both websites and compared the various types of Iaitos on offer?
This incident also occurred bang on the ban being introduced before we really had much information about how to the ban would work for martial artists. It was an unfortunate incident, but as Maro stated, this should not happen as long as you can supply the correct documents proving you are an active member of a recognised MA organisation.
John Ranford
兵法二天一流剣術 - 無双直伝英信流居合
Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu Kenjutsu - Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iai