Bob Lawrence 10th Dan?? founder of Fudoshin
Died in 2003
Tought by Gogen Yamaguchi and Mr Nakayama.
My Dad trained under him in the early 70s
Bob Lawrence 10th Dan?? founder of Fudoshin
Died in 2003
Tought by Gogen Yamaguchi and Mr Nakayama.
My Dad trained under him in the early 70s
Pete Martin
Hi Pete
I'm only listing those who are still living, hence no Bob Lawrence, no Vernon Bell etc
Simon Keegan 4th Dan
Hi Simon?
Just a small alteration to your list.
Roy Stanhope 9th Dan (Awarded this year), and he began training in Karate in 1962.
Garry Lewis 4th Dan Shukokai
Peter Consterdine promoted to 9th Dan.
Yours in Budo
Graham Chuck
9th Dans:
Terry Wingrove 9th Dan (1957)
Steve Arneil 9th Dan (1961)
Roy Stanhope 9th Dan (1962)
Michael Randall 9th Dan (1964)
Ticky Donovan 9th Dan (1965)
Stan Knighton 9th Dan (1965?)
Ronnie Colwell 9th Dan (?)
Peter Consterdine 9th Dan (1964)
8th Dans:
Andy Sherry 8th Dan (1959)
John Van Weenan 8th Dan (1963)
Tommy Morris 8th Dan (1963)
John Smith (Bujinkai) 8th Dan (1965)
Eddie Daniels 8th Dan (1965)
Peter Spanton 8th Dan (1965)
Tony Christian 8th Dan (1965)
Hamish Adams 8th Dan (?)
Philip Kear 8th dan (1965)
7th Dans:
Charles Gidley 7th Dan (1963)
Bob Poynton 7th Dan (1965)
Rob Kear 7th dan (1965)
Reg Kear 7th dan (1965)
Charles Mack 7th Dan (1958)
Terry O'Neill 7th Dan
Billy Higgins 7th Dan (1965)
Brian Fitkin 7th Dan (1965)
Howard Collins 7th Dan (1964)
George Grimes 7th Dan
Cyril Cummins 7th Dan
Simon Keegan 4th Dan
One person omitted from the list is the legendary Ray Fuller of Thames Karate International, although I have found out that he sadly passed away last May.
It's a shame we missed him on the list, not too sure of his history but I know it went back a long way.
A loss to the UK Karate world.
Yours in Budo
Graham Chuck
Hanshi Arneil is now promoted to judan, and one of the few times in my life time that somebody whom I strongly feel is deserving is promoted to such a rank. Hanshi Arneil was the first individual to do the hyakunin (100 man) kumite after Sosai Oyama, himself.
Brian Culpepper
George Grimes Kyoshi has recently been promoted to 8th Dan by the EKF.
IMO a more than justified award to one of the first generation Wadoka in the UK.
Yours in Budo
Graham Chuck
Thanks guys, here's the list then:
9th/10th Dans:
Terry Wingrove 9th Dan (1957)
Steve Arneil 10th Dan (1961)
Roy Stanhope 9th Dan (1962)
Michael Randall 9th Dan (1964)
Ticky Donovan 9th Dan (1965)
Stan Knighton 9th Dan (1965?)
Ronnie Colwell 9th Dan (?)
Peter Consterdine 9th Dan (1964)
8th Dans:
Andy Sherry 8th Dan (1959)
John Van Weenan 8th Dan (1963)
Tommy Morris 8th Dan (1963)
John Smith (Bujinkai) 8th Dan (1965)
Eddie Daniels 8th Dan (1965)
Peter Spanton 8th Dan (1965)
Tony Christian 8th Dan (1965)
Hamish Adams 8th Dan (?)
Philip Kear 8th dan (1965)
George Grimes 8th Dan
7th Dans:
Charles Gidley 7th Dan (1963)
Bob Poynton 7th Dan (1965)
Rob Kear 7th dan (1965)
Reg Kear 7th dan (1965)
Charles Mack 7th Dan (1958)
Terry O'Neill 7th Dan
Billy Higgins 7th Dan (1965)
Brian Fitkin 7th Dan (1965)
Howard Collins 7th Dan (1964)
Cyril Cummins 7th Dan
Simon Keegan 4th Dan
Hi Simon,
Please find following missing date/clarification for Stan Knighton (Coloured Red), i believe George Grimes (1966) should be removed from the list as he does not meet the initial criteria (I.E. Must have been training since before 1965 - this would also mean that anyone who began training in 1965 should also be removed - please advise):
9th/10th Dans:
Terry Wingrove 9th Dan (1957)
Steve Arneil 10th Dan (1961)
Roy Stanhope 9th Dan (1962)
Michael Randall 9th Dan (1964)
Ticky Donovan 9th Dan (1965)
Stan Knighton 9th Dan (1964)
Ronnie Colwell 9th Dan (?)
Peter Consterdine 9th Dan (1964)
8th Dans:
Andy Sherry 8th Dan (1959)
John Van Weenan 8th Dan (1963)
Tommy Morris 8th Dan (1963)
John Smith (Bujinkai) 8th Dan (1965)
Eddie Daniels 8th Dan (1965)
Peter Spanton 8th Dan (1965)
Tony Christian 8th Dan (1965)
Hamish Adams 8th Dan (?)
[COLOR="royalblue"]Philip Kear 8th dan (1965)
George Grimes 8th Dan (1966)
7th Dans:
Charles Gidley 7th Dan (1963)
Bob Poynton 7th Dan (1965)
Rob Kear 7th dan (1965)
Reg Kear 7th dan (1965)
Charles Mack 7th Dan (1958)
Terry O'Neill 7th Dan
Billy Higgins 7th Dan (1965)
Brian Fitkin 7th Dan (1965)
Howard Collins 7th Dan (1964)
Cyril Cummins 7th Dan
Info gathered from :
Stan Knighton -
George Grimes -
Best regards,
Garry Lewis 5th Dan Shukokai
Thanks Garry, here's the updated list. I'm leaving 1965s on there. I also think Andy Sherry's start date for Karate should be 1960 not 1959 since this was when Fred Gille opened the Liverpool Karate Dojo. 1959 may be his start date for Jujutsu. Incidentally I have asked R Colwell for his Karate start date but received no quantifiable answer.
9th/10th Dans:
Terry Wingrove 9th Dan (1957)
Steve Arneil 10th Dan (1961)
Roy Stanhope 9th Dan (1962)
Michael Randall 9th Dan (1964)
Peter Consterdine 9th Dan (1964)
Stan Knighton 9th Dan (1964)
Ticky Donovan 9th Dan (1965)
Ronnie Colwell 9th Dan (?)
8th Dans:
Andy Sherry 8th Dan (1960)
John Van Weenan 8th Dan (1963)
Tommy Morris 8th Dan (1963)
John Smith (Bujinkai) 8th Dan (1965)
Eddie Daniels 8th Dan (1965)
Peter Spanton 8th Dan (1965)
Tony Christian 8th Dan (1965)
Hamish Adams 8th Dan (?)
Philip Kear 8th dan (1965)
7th Dans:
Charles Gidley 7th Dan (1963)
Bob Poynton 7th Dan (1965)
Rob Kear 7th dan (1965)
Reg Kear 7th dan (1965)
Charles Mack 7th Dan (1958)
Terry O'Neill 7th Dan
Billy Higgins 7th Dan (1965)
Brian Fitkin 7th Dan (1965)
Howard Collins 7th Dan (1964)
Cyril Cummins 7th Dan
Simon Keegan 4th Dan
9th/10th Dans:
Ronnie Colwell 9th Dan (1953)
Terry Wingrove 9th Dan (1957)
Steve Arneil 10th Dan (1961)
Roy Stanhope 9th Dan (1962)
Michael Randall 9th Dan (1964)
Peter Consterdine 9th Dan (1964)
Stan Knighton 9th Dan (1964)
Ticky Donovan 9th Dan (1965)
8th Dans:
Andy Sherry 8th Dan (1960)
John Van Weenan 8th Dan (1963)
Tommy Morris 8th Dan (1963)
John Smith (Bujinkai) 8th Dan (1965)
Eddie Daniels 8th Dan (1965)
Peter Spanton 8th Dan (1965)
Tony Christian 8th Dan (1965)
Hamish Adams 8th Dan (1965?)
Philip Kear 8th dan (1965)
7th Dans:
Charles Mack 7th Dan (1958)
Terry O'Neill 7th Dan (1962?)
Charles Gidley 7th Dan (1963)
Howard Collins 7th Dan (1964)
Cyril Cummins 7th Dan (1964?)
Bob Poynton 7th Dan (1965)
Rob Kear 7th dan (1965)
Reg Kear 7th dan (1965)
Billy Higgins 7th Dan (1965)
Brian Fitkin 7th Dan (1965)
Simon Keegan 4th Dan
Andy Sherry promoted to 9th Dan a couple of weeks ago.
Yours in Budo
Graham Chuck
Also Terry O'Neil & Bob Poynton recently promoted to 8th Dan.
Yours in Budo
Graham Chuck
Ronnie Colwell started training in Karate in the 1970s, before that he was in Ju Jutsu. I remember when he went to Malaysia to train with Budokan, who had broken away from their Japanese teachers and formed their own World body. Ronny, who went over as a Ju-jutsu instructor, returned as a Karate 3rd Dan. If I recall correctly, he formed an association with Frank Vernon, a genuine KUGB instructor.