I have heard that Mr Ticky Donovan has been promoted to 9th Dan by the EKF.
Yours in Budo
Graham Chuck
Please don't pick on me. I'm not in ANYWAY whatsoever responsible for the selection of who ever is put on this list. Please read the entire thread carefully and then note who made up the criteria and what the criteria are. The first is very clear.
1) Must have been born in the UK and still living in the UK
If Mr. Keegan wants to change it then ok but at the moment 'them's his rules, not mine'
Jim Cotter
When I came up with that rule I thought at first to just say 'must be born in the UK' so it wouldn't just consist of people like Hirokazu Kanazawa even though he, Enoeda, Suzuki and others have resided in the UK and Enoeda even said he considered himself to be a British citizen.
And then I didn't want to include people who were maybe born in Britain but achieved their success in other countries (I can't think of any off the top of my head)
And I wanted the list of people to be people still alive (so unfortunately no early pioneers such as Vernon Bell and Danny Connor).
I also didn't want to include people who might be a senior grade in one martial art (ie 23rd Dan Bujinkan) but only hold say a 1st Dan in Karate.
I suppose there's no reason to exclude living, British people who are now living in other countries so I guess we'll abandon that rule.
Simon Keegan 4th Dan
A name not to forget for the list is Shihan Jose Claronino (1964) 7 Dan Kyokushinkai.
// Michael
About Shihan Claronino. I just remember that spite he started karate in London 1964 he lived in South Africa as a child and could be born there. So keep him out of the list for the moment.
// Michael
Philip Kear 7th dan Wado Ryu. Trained with Suzuki since 1965.
Emigrated to Australia in the 70's with his brothers Reg and Robert (both 6th dans) however Reg and Robert started in 66 I believe.
Last edited by GaryWado; 4th October 2009 at 15:20.
Not quite right Gary but close.
We all. Reg, Ed, Fred Phil and Rob all started in 1965 when Suzuki sensei returned to live in the UK. Prior to this we were all with John Clark a kendo and Judo fella who left to live in Japan. Phil, Robert and myself (Reg) are still with Suzuki but live in Australia. We head up San no Ya an affiliate of WIKF. Phil is 7th Dan and Rob and I are 6th dan, perhaps only because we haven't been for a grading in the last fifteen years or so because it doesn't seem to matter much any more.?
Fred died in 76 and Ed, proving to be the only sane one retired in the late 60s.
If it is still part of the criteria we all have UK passports and were all born in Bristol UK.
Reg Kear
San no Ya. Australia.
San no Ya.
Hi Reg,
Sorry for not replying sooner, but I don't tend to visit this board too often (or any other at the moment for that matter).
I hope you are well sir.
Sorry I got your start date wrong, I think I can remember you telling me that as well dooh!!
I think you and your brothers should definately be on the list.
Hi Gary,
All the names listed so far were our contemporaries in the UK 1965 melting pot, it was an interesting time with all these guys appearing at Crystal Palace at the same time. We are still in the game but I'm finding the warm up takes a little longer now. Trevor Overfield is another Dojo hound from the same era that is still working on his Seishan.
As long as there is no charge we don't mind being added to the list..!!
Reg Kear.
San no Ya.
San no Ya.
Thanks for all your responses, chaps. I'll try and go through the posts and put them into a single list, when I get chance. Cheers
Simon Keegan 4th Dan
Hi Simon,
You might want to include George Grimes on your list He is Wadoryu 7th Dan Kyoshi and with the Academy until recently.
Also update as of 1.11.2009. Phil Kear 8th Dan WIKF Rob Kear 7th Dan WIKF, Reg Kear 7th Dan WIKF..
Reg Kear
San no Ya.
Ok so here's the list so far, if anyone can fill in any blanks please copy, paste and ammend:
9th Dans:
Ronnie Colwell 9th Dan
Stan Knighton 9th Dan
8th Dans:
Terry Wingrove 8th Dan (1957)
Andy Sherry 8th Dan (1959)
Tommy Morris 8th Dan (1963)
Michael Randall 8th Dan (1964)
Peter Consterdine 8th Dan (1964)
Roy Stanhope 8th Dan (1965)
John Smith (Bujinkai) 8th Dan (1965)
Peter Spanton 8th Dan (1965)
Bob Poynton 8th Dan (1965)
Ticky Donovan 8th Dan (1965)
Tony Christian 8th Dan (1965)
Hamish Adams 8th Dan
Philip Kear 8th dan (1965)
John Van Weenan 8th Dan
7th Dans:
Rob Kear 7th dan (1965)
Reg Kear 7th dan (1965)
Charles Mack 7th Dan (1958)
Terry O'Neill 7th Dan
Billy Higgins 7th Dan (1965)
Brian Fitkin 7th Dan (1965)
Howard Collins 7th Dan (1964)
George Grimes 7th Dan
Cyril Cummins 7th Dan
Simon Keegan 4th Dan
If the criteria is changed to allow people that aren't even teaching in England anymore then you should allow those that came from other countries that have been teaching since 1965.
People Like Steve Arneil (9th Dan) of the IFK.
As the first person to do the 100 man kumite minus Sosai Oyama himself I think it would be a great mistake not to include him since the original poster has played with the criteria.
Brian Culpepper