The thread on the Senior British Karateka got me to thinking and I figured why not start a comprable list for Canada.
Using the same criteria to narrow the field:
1) Must have been born in Canada and still living in Canada
2) Must hold the legitimate grade of at least 7th Dan in Karate
3) Must have been training since before 1965
4) Must still be actively teaching or studying
5) Start day of pror to 1965 must be with a formal Karate dojo not learning from books etc
What I came up with this morning:
Masami Tsuruoka 10th Dan (1945, Chito Ryu, Shotokan)
Fern Cleroux 8th Dan (1957, Chito Ryu)
Monty Guest 8th Dan (1961, Chito Ryu)
Shane Higashi 8th Dan (1961, Chito Ryu)
Bill Hind 8th Dan (1961?, Goju Ryu)
J Purdy 7th Dan (1962, Goju Ryu)
Ron Yamanaka, 8th Dan (1962 Goju-Ryu / Kempo)
Rick Joslin 8th Dan (1963?, Wado Ryu)
Hal Henschel Shihan title, no idea on rank (1963, Chito Ryu)
Jerry Marr 7th Dan (1964, Shotokan)
Ken Tallack, 8th Dan (1964 Goju-Ryu / Kempo)
Cezar Borkowski 9th Dan (1964?)
Wally Slocki (1965, Chito Ryu / Slocki-Ryu)
Ted Martin (1965, Chito Ryu)
Garry Legacy 10th Dan (Chito Ryu / Shorin Ryu) - need a start date