alternative analysis...
Inputs - Hawaii, hula girls, beer, tidal wave, iaidoka, boat.
output - drunk iaidoka on boat getting knocked around by hula girls' hips during nukitsuke due to her losing her balance due to tidal wave...
final result - headache and chatter marks in blade...also nagging wife who wants to know why a girl was on your boat...

Best laugh we've had all weekend, Tim!! Mahalo!!
Not a bad idea, Bruce. Now all I have to do is persuade one of my grandkids to loan me a crayon.... I don't seem to keep them around any more.
Tried your light-box idea, Brian, but can't really pick up the shadows that way. Did find out that it's fairly easy to go cross-eyed after about 15 minutes; Linda offered to take a photo of my
, but I decided to focus on a
I was going to bring the iaito to our local sword society meeting, but got rained out this morning in jodo to the extent that a hot shower was vastly preferable to an air-conditioned room. Probably don't let drowned rats into the building, anyway....
Ken Goldstein
Judo Kodansha/MJER Iaido Kodansha/Jodo Oku-iri
Fencing Master/NRA Instructor
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it'll annoy enough people to be worth the effort."