Akamine Kaicho Visit to Minnesota
I have invited Akamine Hiroshi Kaicho to Minnesota for a visit and seminar. He will arrive on September 25, 2010. We will attend a Vikings Lions game on the 26th. We will also have a seminar, tournament, and testing on Oct 2-3 at our new location in Mankato in the Bell Mar Center. He will return to Okinawa on the 4th. Each evening from Sept 27 to October 1st we will try to have a training session set up either at our Mankato Dojo or at other dojos here in Southern Minnesota.
I will post updated information here and at www.ryukyu-kobudo.com and www.katomma.com as the details are decided.
Those wishing to participate please contact me at tim.jurgens@ryukyu-kobudo.com.
I hope to have the support of everyone in ensuring that Akamine Sensei's visit is fun and productive.
Tim Jurgens
5th Dan Shorinryu Karate
5th Dan Ryukyu Kobudo Hozon Shinko Kai
1st Dan Yoshinkan Aikido
Last edited by TimJurgens; 29th May 2010 at 06:29.
Reason: spelling and grammar
Yours in budo.
Paul Vermiglio Sensei has confirmed he will also be attending.
Paul is a 5th Dan and Shihan in Kobudo as well as Karate.
Penny van Heerden is also a possible participant. She too has a 5th Dan in Kobudo and Karate.
Yours in budo.
28th August 2010, 18:26
I am happy to update that Yoshimoto Shihan, Penny van Heerden Shihan, Effi Scheleyen Shidoin, Natsuno Daisuke Shidoin, Kirii Kimihito Shidoin, A.S. Krishnamurthy Shidoin, and many others have sent their travel details to us.
We also expect teachers from South Africa, Canada, Germany and many other nations.
This is shaping up to be a great event.
Yours in budo.
4th October 2010, 04:14
Many thanks for all the support
I am honored by all the support we received from our international and local visitors. We were happy to host Akamine Kaicho, Yoshimoto Sensei, Paul Vermiglio Sensei, Penny van Heerden Sensei, Chris Nesbit Sensei, Effi Schelyen Sensei, Krishnamurthy Sensei, Phillipis Sensei, Losier Sensei, Holt Sensei, and Ruberto Sensei for most of the week. We put in some hard training and some great fellowship.
We are looking forward for the next international gathering, which Krishnamurthy Sensei has offered to host in India.
Best regards to all,
Yours in budo.
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