I have been away dealing with some seriously nasty family problems coupled side by side with RPFS. Well I am getting down to the last of the Japanese stuff I need for book IV so here's a naginata I am working on
Nagasa is 25 3/4" Nakago is 19 1/2" Blade width at hamachi is 1 1/4", Blade width at the kissaki is a whopping 1 7/8" Two Bo-Hi. Sorry about the lousy pics but I ain't no sort of photographer. OAL: 45". Blade is Kobuse construction with a 1060 outer jacket with awrought iron (old anchor chain) core. Forged out really NICE and the hardening went bettr than I expected...
I still have a good deal of polish work to do on this to bring out the hamon a bit more... There is a good deal of hitsura on one side of the blade (and not the other...hummmmm) that is probably due to the 1060 being so shallow hardening. Methinks that the clay may of pulled away from that one side but stayed in place of the other a bit more.. Anyway this one I am planning on keeping. I have already fitted a habaki (I HATE making those) and am planning on mounting this on a 5 1/2 to 6 foot long laminated oak haft with some sort of fittings yet to be decided upon....it should be a really NASTY pole weapon when it is done...
This one is a monster and I am planning on NOT selling this one like I did my other one so this will be a keeper. Will look great next to my Japanese armour display///
Once again sorry for the poor photos..