I lived through the 80s, I never realised just how bad it was. That is a truly brilliant slice of nostalgia and 80s tack at its finest. Now that my ears have stopped bleeding and I have replaced the eyes back in their sockets, I have come to a terrifying conclusion. The future is not a safe place. Where people used to benefit from the rose-tinted buffer of a fading memory, we now have to face a world in which ALL our indiscretions and embarassing moments of poor judgment, can be disinterred and served up on a website in all the gory festering detail. Just how many terrible moments of my life might turn up as oddities for the finger-pointing and sniggering. It is too scary to imagine.
The only lesson must be, never get filmed doing something that you "think" looks cool. Chances are, in a few years time, you won't have the same opinion.
David Noble
Shorinji Kempo (1983 - 1988)
I'll think of a proper sig when I get a minute...
For now, I'm just waiting for the smack of the Bo against a hard wooden floor....