You're right it looks nothing like it.
Also, we have Kanbun Uechi that was known to have learned only in China and learned something very similiar to Kanryo. Historical evidence would suggest that they are connected. In Uechi we know one of the sources was Tiger boxing. We also know from statements that Uechi made that he learned some katas that he did not pass on and that Suparenpei was a kata that he did not learn. The base katas are both the same in Goju/Uechi (Sanchin, Seisan, Sanseiryu and Suparenpei), although Miyagi taught more than those 4. If we look at the art of To'on Ryu, we also see that the base 4 are the same from Kanryo and Juhatsu added in some others himself, which suggests that the other katas were added in later by Miyagi.
Fujian White Crane should not be confused with Fuzhou White Crane even though they are both southern white crane styles. there are many different white crane styles (feeding/whooping etc).
"Hard won, buy easy lost. True karate does not stay where it is not being used."