Aiki is not owned by an art form, neither is internal power and all its related concepts. Aiki is an old concept. Internal strength as well. Both are discussed and outlined in Koryu.
In recent discussions of aiki, both here and on other forums much has been stated about qualifications of those in various arts being able to judge what aiki is or not according to those specific art forms.
E-budo history
1.Traditionalists in Daito ryu
We have a small number of low level members (not deeply initiated in anything, nor representatives) saying aiki is one thing in DR.
2. Traditionalists in Aikido We have (G1) stating that Aikido aiki has nothing to do with Daito ryu aiki.
3. Split off traditionalists
a. We have a member of two Daito ryu groups who trained and reached teaching approval who out rank the men in the prior group who states that one of their groups shihan didn't have aiki! He went to internal training and it is his opinion that IP and IP related aiki is essential to DR aiki. Although he openly states DR aiki application is different.
b. Interestingly a senior from (G1) told another member of (G1) that Daito ryu doesn't own aiki and one of their own shihan and senior teachers went outside of their art to learn aiki from another related art.
c. A shihan from another DR art went outside of their art to train somewhere else to get aiki.
d. Two students from Sagawa went to a taiji ICMA master in their own get aiki. One of whom publicly stated when asked that the ICMA guy had better skills and more power than Sagawa at a seminar in Taiwan.
4. Non traditionalists
We have the IP crowd stating that what drives Aikido and Daito ryu aiki is the same essential elements in the ICMA arts-although the use is different.
a. Traditionalists (G1.) states Non tradionalists (G4) have no qualifications to say what DR aiki even is... and their opinion is void because they have not trained enough in those arts (even though they themselves by their own standard are not yet qualified to even say that).
b. Traditionalists (G1.) state Aikido-ka (G2) don't know Daito ryu aiki- even though they (G1) themselves have not attained Shihan level in Aikido (G2).
b. Logical analysis follows that Traditionalists (G1) have no deep initiation into Non traditionalists (G4) methods and what they are doing nor can they exhibit those skills. They have no deep initiation into Aikido (G2) Therefore their own opinion of Non traditionalists (G4) and Aikido (G2) methods are void and not open for discussion from them as well. Their own standards leave them unqualified.
Blah blah blah....who cares anymore.
I am uninterested in discussing the arguable ownership of something they themselves refuse to define and discuss. Or what some mid-level guys think of aiki. Let them have their art and their own corner.
Changing directions
I am interested in what someone can do.
There is a way to practice aiki without contacting with someone else's center, or using sticky hand waza or muscle cramping and locking people on the mat, launching men to a standing position from seiza- including 6'5" Iwama guys- or giving velocity concussion from aiki age, blah, blah. I walked away from that kata oriented stuff years ago for other things. I have never met anyone since, in any aiki arts, teacher or otherwise who's aiki will work on me, yet my aiki works on them.
So...Let's say my aiki is neither Daito ryu aiki or Aikido aiki...and I am incredibly happy about that.
How is that possible? Aiki as yin and yang (in yo ho) from the hara...out.
1. No ukemi, and training in what is essential to aiki..internal strength as its base. The marked ability TO NOT CONNECT TO SOMEONE ELSE'S CENTER, retain my center against anyone's access to it, hence their aiki simply hitting a wall and failing 100% of the time.
This enhanced dynamic stability in freestyle at this level...has never been displayed... in any Daito ryu teacher I have seen, touched, or know about. It was in a small part in two and that is it. Ueshiba displayed it as well.
2. Aiki as a name
I really don't care what the detractors call it. They quite literally man after man, simply cannot stand up against it. And 98% (not all) return to train it.
We should support the traditional arts. All koryu were once gendai. Many traditional arts were started by men of vision....not deeply initiated into anything. We should also support the innovators.
*Note to moderators*
There is no need for personal insults, discussions of marketing (particularly from stylists here who's own teachers trademarked names and sold books and videos and host seminars and make adds in magazines and appear on television. Let's see discussion of content.