Originally Posted by
Must not know a lot of Daito ryu folks...
Yes, I do. And I don't talk out of school. I have personally heard and read about what DR teachers do and say in slagging other DR teachers and styles, all while supporting them in public. Your recent comments here in personally attacking those who disagree with you or your arts position is the perfect example of students being pawns and out Japanesing the Japanese by circling the wagons against what you perceive as a common foe.
We get enough BS from JMA politics without having to help them. I sympathize with the roles certain men have in representing arts, and the larger picture of preservation and dissemination. It's a difficult role and task. I just think it can be done and carried out with a sensitivity to honesty, integrity, and honor in keeping with our own cultural norms and ways as well as the one we are trying to preserve.
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