Is there a way to insert a mp4 video file in a post?
thank you
Is there a way to insert a mp4 video file in a post?
thank you
Robert C. Gruzanski
Hi Robert,
You can upload a video by opening a reply window and selecting the icon that looks like a little piece of old-fashioned movie film. It's in the second-from-the-top of four rows of icons, second from the right-hand side in its row.
A box will pop up with a space for you to paste in the URL to your video.
Cady Goldfield
You can as Cady described embed a video in a post, but that requires that it is already posted on another site (like Youtube etc.), but you can't upload mp4 files as we don't have that as a valid file extension as it is now.
Video files tend to be very large, and would use up a lot of hard disk space, so it is better to just use services like Youtube etc.
Anders Pettersson
www.shorinjikempo.net - www.shorinjikempo.se
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