The River of Life Martial Arts Center is pleased to host James Williams Sensei in a seminar featuring Nami ryu Ken jutsu, Iai jutsu and Aiki jujutsu. James Williams Sensei is a
master in ancient martial arts and developer of “The System of Strategy”- a distinctive approach for unarmed combat based on the ancient samurai practices and techniques. He has been featured on the cover of Black Belt Magazine and currently runs his own dojo in California- Dojo of the Four Winds. Williams Sense has instructed elite forces, around the world, in special tactics derived for Ken jutsu.
Saturday and Sunday November 15th & 16th. From 9am to 5:30pm both days.
Address: 321 Morris Road
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Phone: 215 542 0102 contact Jenn
Cost $125 per day. Discounts for full seminar and/or early registration.
For further information;
ALl the best...
RIP Angier Sensei!