I don't get any email more, when anybody replies to a suscribed thread. I unsuscribed only from one thread, but it seems I did it for all, now I don't know how to suscribe again, to get the notification.
I don't get any email more, when anybody replies to a suscribed thread. I unsuscribed only from one thread, but it seems I did it for all, now I don't know how to suscribe again, to get the notification.
I'm not sure how that is supposed to work, but I will check with Anders and Peter to see whether they understand the problem and how to fix it.
Cady Goldfield
I, too, have not been getting notifications; it seems to have stopped several months ago.
Yours in Budo,
Well, I am receiving e-mail notifications for the forums I have subscribed to, which are the forums I moderate. The latest notifications came today.
Carina, try subscribing again to some of the forums with frequent traffic and see what happens. I have noticed that occasional glitches with my own computer have been solved by closing down and then restarting. (I use an i-Mac, with Yosemite OS.)
Best wishes,
Peter Goldsbury,
Forum Administrator,
Hiroshima, Japan
Hello Prof Goldsbury,
I'm suscribed, I see it in settings even to this one, but I didn't receive an email. When I mark in all the threads instant, there is no button to press safe, or at least I don't see it.
Hello Carina,
I have just subscribed to this forum, with daily e-mail notifications, so we will see if the system is still working for me.
Peter Goldsbury,
Forum Administrator,
Hiroshima, Japan
Yes, it seems that the system is not working. I have not received an e-mail for a thread posted in one of the forums I subscribe to.
Peter Goldsbury,
Forum Administrator,
Hiroshima, Japan
I should correct my previous post. The system is clearly working for some forums, but not for others. i am in contact with Anders about the matter and perhaps we need another upgrade.
Peter Goldsbury,
Forum Administrator,
Hiroshima, Japan
Hello Prof Goldsbury,
Yesterday night I got the first notification in "Does size Matter with martial arts" after a long time of silence from E-Budo. Thanks
I started getting notifications again yesterday. I don't know what, if anything, has changed recently that would account for this.
Yours in Budo,