My name is Robert Van Valkenburgh. I'm a new member to E-Budo, but I've been reading this forum for many years. I presently run a Taikyoku Budo study group at Seiya Dojo (www.seiyadojo.com) just outside of Annapolis, Maryland. Founded by Budd Yuhasz (www.taikyokubudo.com), Taikyoku Budo (太曲武道 Great Themes Martial Way) is a training collective inspired by Ellis Amdur's Taikyoku Kuzushi (Essential Principles for Unbalancing an Opponent) as a container for internal strength expressed through Japanese jujutsu (body-to-body grappling, aikido (arms-length grappling), and kempo (striking).
The Taikyoku Kuzushi were originally developed by Ellis Amdur as a set of solo exercises, based around five movement vectors or ‘themes,' with the intention of "[refining] training to facilitate the development of effective atemijutsu (hitting body skills) and kaeshiwaza (countering techniques), as well as effectively laying the groundwork for a more natural development of freestyle training and for the inclusion of internal training skills."
Seiya Dojo is a small group of training brothers/sisters from diverse martial backgrounds (aikido, hapkido, BJJ, wrestling, karate, etc.) dedicated to Taikyoku Budo as our main martial practice. Much of Taikyoku Budo is ‘open source' and we welcome practitioners from other arts to come in and explore what we consider to be universal themes of movement with us as we believe that you will find something relevant and useful to your practice. We encourage cross-training whether as a means of ‘testing’ these principles in more competitive arts such as BJJ, Muay Thai, or judo or simply as a means of refining the ideas further.