I am very pleased to announce that Ellis Amdur will be doing a 2-day seminar at Seiya Dojo in Arnold, MD (just outside of Annapolis) in July on the 17th (6p-9p) and the 19th (10a-2p).
While not a member of Taikyoku Budo per se, Ellis Amdur is one of the main inspirations behind our practice, with his Taikyoku Kuzushi (Essential Principles for Unbalancing an Opponent) being the foundation for our study. The Taikyoku Kuzushi, five movement vectors - or 'themes' - are the principle shapes of our jujutsu (body-to-body grappling, aikido (arms-length grappling), and kempo (striking) practice, while also serving as a container for our 'internal strength' study.
As such, we are very excited to have Amdur Sensei at our school and we welcome all practitioners from all backgrounds. Ours is a small, but martially-diverse group as is.
The details are as follows:
Friday July 17th 6p-9p $55
Sunday July 19th 10a-2pm $70
Both Sessions $110
RSVP by July 1st - Space Limited to 40 People
Robert Van Valkenburgh can be contacted at seiyadojo@gmail.com
OR go to... http://seiyadojo.com/ellis-amdur-seminar-july-2105/