The Denshukai is a 4-day intensive training workshop, sponsored by the Koden Bugei Kyokai organization (a partner organization connected to the art of Hontai Hakkei Ryu Aikijujutsu), that deeply explores the extensive skill set of this unique system of aikijujutsu: internal training (the fundamentals of aiki), weapons, empty-hand methods, ground game (newaza) and more will be covered. The principles and concepts covered are applicable to any martial art, and will enhance one's personal skill set.
The seminar will be led by Salahuddin Muhammad, head of Hontai Hakkei Ryu Aikijujutsu, and there will be guest intructors as well.
This year, the Denshukai will take place in Philadelphia from August 5-8, starting in the late afternoon on Friday, August 5, through 8pm on Monday, August 8. Sunday will be dedicated to a full day of outdoor training, with food and fun mixed in!
Registration for the event MUST be made and paid in advance. Registrations are being accepted now through July 2016, but don't wait to sign up for this exciting, informative and substantial event!
Find out more here: