Status Change
It is with great honor that I am pleased to announce that the NYC Metro Area Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Mainline Tradition Study Group has Officially been designated as the newest and latest Branch Dojo under Kondo Sensei. It has been a long journey.
1997...Unofficial Study Group
2006...Official Study Group
2016...Official Branch Dojo
It is my hope to make the Mainline Tradition of Daito-ryu grow in the USA. Right now there are a limited but very commited amount of members in the USA (counting all the Study Groups and Active Branches). If you are interersted please feel free to contact me via the contact email or PM, the website listed below is no longer active. You may also go to to make contact.
Jose' delCristo Garrido
Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Mainline Tradition
NYC Metro Area Branch Dojo