Ken jutsu -- Iai jutsu
Please join us at the River of Life Martial Arts Center for a Nami ryu Seminar January 27th, 28th & 29th 2017.

The River of Life Mar8al Arts and Wellness Center is pleased to announce a Nami ryu seminar featuring
instruction by James Williams sensei. James Williams has over 50 years of martial arts and combative
experiences. He has trained Naval Special Warfare, US Army Special Forces, Marine Force Recon, Foreign
Military, and Law Enforcement SWAT Operatives. The one evening and two day seminar will focus on the techniques of Iai jutsu
and Ken jutsu and Aiki jujutsu.
The seminar will be Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday January 27th, 28th & 29th, 2017. The cost will be $225 for the full event,
$125.00 each day, and $75.00 for Friday night. Please email for specifics. Start times will be 9 am for Saturday
and Sunday and 6 pm for Friday night.

For a video of Williams Sensei;

The River of Life dojo is located near Philadelphia at;
321 Morris Road
Fort Washington, PA 19095 Phone (215) 542-0102