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Thread: Passing of Stanley Pranin

  1. #1
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    Default Passing of Stanley Pranin

    Well-known aikidoka and publisher Stanley Pranin passed away in his home in Las Vegas, Nevada on March 7, 2017.

    Here is a statement that was published on Stanley's Aikido Journal Facebook page:


    Stanley Pranin
    July 24, 1945 - March 7, 2017

    We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Stanley Pranin Sensei.

    As many of you know, Stanley Pranin was diagnosed with late-stage stomach cancer in January. Without a viable Western medicine solution, Stan sought out alternative medicine treatments. Since that decision was made, Stan fought hard with great determination and a positive spirit.

    I was able to visit him twice at his home in Las Vegas in February and was happy to see that he was well taken care of by his family and his roommate and friend. Stan shared many stories with me at that time and although in a weakened state, he still projected positivity and endless enthusiasm for the world of aikido.

    Despite Stan’s determined efforts, he was unable to regain strength and vitality. He ended his life’s journey surrounded by family at home in a comfortable atmosphere.

    It deeply saddens me to bring this news to the aikido community. However, I’m also happy to let the community know that the financial and moral support given to Stan through his fundraising campaign brought him immeasurable comfort and joy. He was truly amazed and humbled to see so many rally behind him.

    When Stan began to lose vitality, he asked me to do what I could to keep Aikido Journal active while he focused on his recovery. We'll have more information on the future of Aikido Journal in the coming weeks, but now is a time to pay respects to Pranin Sensei and reflect on his legacy and contributions to the aikido world. We will be be posting a series of his articles and videos on Aikido Journal over the coming days. If you have a story about Stan you'd like to share, please leave a comment on this post or if you have something more in depth you'd like to share, send me a direct message with the details and we'll find a way to share it with the community. (If I'm not connected to you on Facebook, just send a private message on Ikazuchi Dojo's Facebook page.)

    Thank you for your continued support. Please go practice some aikido this week. It would make Stan happy to know that you did so.


    Josh Gold

    Cady Goldfield

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I heard the news today. Very sad.

    I knew Stan for many years. He was a good friend and we often exchanged ideas, usually after watching the annual All Japan Aikido Demonstration in Tokyo. On one of these occasions Stan interviewed the late Arikawa Sadateru Shihan--and the interview has never been made public. The friendship continued after he moved back to the States and I was very honoured to participate in the Aiki Expo he organized.

    I am now engaged in writing a research article, but later I will write an obituary here.

    Condolences to Stan's family and friends.
    Peter Goldsbury,
    Forum Administrator,
    Hiroshima, Japan

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