Passing of John T Anderson
It is with sadness that I announce the passing of a Judo legend Mr. John T Anderson. He started studding Judo in 1946 and was the founder of the oldest Judo club on the east coast, The Baltimore Judo Club.
"Sensei John T. Anderson is a Shichidan (7th Degree Black Belt) in the sport of Judo. He has been studying Judo since 1946 while stationed in Honolulu, Hawaii with the Navy. As a pugnacious competitor, Sensei gained many inspiring achievements such as: a 12 time U.S. National Masters Champion, a 5 time A.A.U. East Coast Champion, a 4 time East Coast Masters Champion, and a 10 time A.A.U. Maryland State Champion. Through out his Judo career, he has studied under many Senseis including Takehiko Ishikawa, Donn Draeger, Kenzo Uyeno and Lanny Miyamoto."
Joe Stitz
"Black belt and white belt are the same, white belt is the beginning of technique. Black belt is the beginning of understanding. Both are beginner belts."
- Doug Perry -Hanshi, KuDan -Shorin Ryu ShorinKan