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Thread: Highlights From Hontai Hakkei Ryu Aikijujutsu Training Retreat

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    Default Highlights From Hontai Hakkei Ryu Aikijujutsu Training Retreat

    Here's a video from Salahuddin Muhammad (generational gatekeeper of Hontai Hakkei Ryu Aikijujutsu) with nearly a half-hour of highlights from a recent intensive training retreat for some of his students from Philadelphia, New York City, and Boston.

    There's a lot of aiki myoden in this clip, including a fun segment where several strong, well-rooted practitioners of Chinese internal martial arts get to feel some of the body qualities of HHR-AJJ.

    Every method and concept presented here is Hontai Hakkei Ryu Aikijujutsu, which presents a comprehensive study of aikijujutsu without using catagorized or compartmentalized thinking. Beyond what is demonstrated in this video, the greater kyoka (curriculum) of the art encompasses mokuroku, genri (principles), tanrenho (special exercises for structural development), heigo (a full lexicon for transmitting the material clearly and effectively), bukiho (weapons), ne waza (a full grappling curriculum), anma and shiatsu (under seiho).


    Last edited by Cady Goldfield; 17th May 2017 at 01:06.
    Cady Goldfield

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