Hi everybody!
I've been trying to write up a notebook of my karate experiences to keep them for posterity and enhance both my own training and the training of anyone who I train with. My current dojo is a Goju Ryu school, which I'm glad I could find since I've been training in Goju for my whole life. However my original dojo followed Seikichi Toguchi's lineage (from what I remember, my notes from then weren't as thorough as now and I haven't been able to ask my old Sensei). My new dojo, on the other hand, follows the Peter Urban lineage, which I've been trying to do research on.
The problem is, I can't find a lot of resources that discuss Sensei Urban's instruction and lineage, apart from a few very clearly biased sources. I'd kind of like to have a better understanding of how Urban and his dojo got started. Here's what I have so far:
This is all that I have found that I can be sure is accurate, though I've heard a bit more from a few sources. I also am not entirely sure of Yamaguchi Gogen's study (and I hear there is some controversy as to whether he was a proper student of Chojun Miyagi Sensei, but that's not something that's particularly relevant to what I'm trying to write.Sensei Peter Urban was born on August 14th, 1934, in Jersey City, NJ. After enlisting in the Navy, he was sent to Yokohama in Japan, and, while there, became the student of Richard Kim. Kim introduced Urban to Masutatsu Oyama and Gogen Yamaguchi, and Urban began training under Yamaguchi Sensei in 1954.
Sensei Urban would return to New Jersey to found American Gōjū Ryū, though he did this without the permission of Yamaguchi Sensei.
Can any one either point me in the direction of some information on Peter Urban's lineage and history, or if you have any personal histories I'd be glad to hear them as well. Thank you all in advance!