im a student of gendai arts but for a long time i said i want to learn koryu but recently i heard a joke about houses being a pile of stuff with a cover on it and that you move house because not enough room for your stuff, though this was a joke it made me think about my arts and realized that i didn't want to learn koryu i wanted to learn gendai with a koryu cover. suddenly i looked at all my past training decisions and reasons why i train and suddenly i got a sick after taste in my mouth i realised i dont want to learn a mass produced art that teaches how to use sharp things in a funny way i decided i want to learn an art that im proud of that i am able to say i am proud. i alwase said i want to learn koryu to learn how to use weapons but thats just gendai if i want that i could go to my local bujinkan dojo. i did some reasuch on koryu and i had the realisation that what my koryu studant friend said ment more than what i though he said "koryu is like a priesthood, me and (put generic irish name here) are stuggeling to think how am i going to pay this" i realised im sick of this mass produced martial art with no actual relationship between studant and teacher i want that struggle for traning i want to actually have some relationship with my teacher not just because im paying him to but becuase we both want to because as i said if i wanted that my local bujinkan is 10 minuites by car away but im choosing to travel 1 hour every saturday becuase i like my teacher hes more of a freind than my aikido teacher ever was dispite me knowing him for a mere few months and my aikido teacher for 4 years my question is this when i build a relationship with a koryu teacher knowing what i said would it be morally ok to train koryu knowing what i used to want i thank anyone who has the willingnees to help me and be 100% honest thank you