I asked the following question in the Aikido forum and got effectively no response so I figured I'd post it over here. I have a hard time believing that with all of the opinionated people here no one has an opinion on the subject. I am interested in both sides of the debate, from Aikidoka and Aikijujutsuka (this assumes there are 2 sides).
(From my original post):
I was wondering what the practitioners on the list feel about incorporation of Daito Ryu techniques into general Aikido? I know some people claim that there really is no difference between the arts yet others really feel that they are very much separate. I admit that my understanding of the Daito Ryu curriculum is quite limited, videos and books, yet what I have seen is very familiar if not identical to much of the Aikido I have practiced. For example, several years ago at a seminar with one of O-Sensei's uchi deshi we got to do a number of 'special' techniques, some of which involved pinning without the hands. I hadn't seen them before or since until watching a Daito Ryu demonstration video. At the time of the seminar we were told that these techniques were shown by O-Sensei but that they were not practiced very frequently, even while O-Sensei was alive.
I guess my question boils down to this, since O-Sensei was an instructor in the Daito Ryu, there is a good chance that he performed most of the Daito Ryu curriculum at some point in his teaching career. Are there any techniques within the Daito Ryu that are not Aikido if performed by Aikidoka? I can understand that if O-Sensei had codified the techniques of Aikido you could easily say, "Well it's not on the list." But my understanding is that he was rather vague and that most of the names of techniques and structure of the curriculum as we know it was done by his senior students/ instructors. I would also be interested in the opinions of any Daito Ryu practitioners out there. What do you think of Aikidoka doing traditionally Daito Ryu techniques and calling it Aikido?
Looking forward to your responses...