Had trouble getting logged in and let it slide. Anders has helped me get back. Not a lot of traffic these days I know but still a lot of relevance here.
Had trouble getting logged in and let it slide. Anders has helped me get back. Not a lot of traffic these days I know but still a lot of relevance here.
Nice to have you back, Kit! Yeah, not a lot of traffic, but the archives alone are worth their weight in gold for the historical and stylistic information they contain.
Cady Goldfield
For some reason the system isn't letting me "like" things
Maybe just needs to some time.
But agreed to both!!!!!
Chris Thomas
"While people are entitled to their illusions, they are not entitled to a limitless enjoyment of them and they are not entitled to impose them upon others."
"Team Cynicism" MVP 2005-2006
Currently on "Injured/Reserve" list due to a scathing Sarcasm pile-up.
Yes, there are a few wonky things that need to be fixed. I can't use the "smilies" or "like" posts either. Anders and Peter have been away with other matters, so these things will have to wait until one of them can take a look.
Cady Goldfield
Funny, I haven't posted for ages either, and I also had password trouble. I was popping by every now and then and not seeing much that drew my interest but seeing how Kit has re-upped I figured I would too. This is one of three forums on any topic that I ever look at anymore, and one other is mostly inactive. I guess since I can't stomach Facebook I am missing out on discussion.
I haven't been actively training for quite awhile but maintain my intellectual and historical interest and hope to get back to some kind of practice.
Al Heinemann
Hey buddy!
Yeah I don't Facebook or 'gram or anything. Just my blog and some private stuff. I have a few people that send me stuff from social media from time to time, mostly tactical world stuff not martial arts, doesn't seem we're missing much. There is a strong tendency toward virtual experience these days and not much real depth.
I think forums are pretty much a thing of the past, but that being said the archives alone are worth keeping it up.
Yes, the real value of this forum is in the archives.
The golden age of internet forums is long past, but there are discussion groups in the social media sites such as Facebook. So, it's more that they've just up and moved to new venues. These isolated islands that are the old forums are pretty much forgotten. It was a lot of fun having people like Carl Long, Carl Friday, Meik Skoss, Ellis Amdur, Earl Hartman, Peter Boylan... I could go on and on... discussing every aspect of koryu and gendai. Now they're all scattered to the wind.
Cady Goldfield
Well said Cady
Time and tides and all.
But the forums are priceless.
Chris Thomas
"While people are entitled to their illusions, they are not entitled to a limitless enjoyment of them and they are not entitled to impose them upon others."
"Team Cynicism" MVP 2005-2006
Currently on "Injured/Reserve" list due to a scathing Sarcasm pile-up.