Anyone ever hear of a "choe-no-kama" / "choe-no-gama"?
I was reading that there are 8 kata for this weapon in Isshin Ryu.
Anyone ever hear of a "choe-no-kama" / "choe-no-gama"?
I was reading that there are 8 kata for this weapon in Isshin Ryu.
Liam Cognet
Found them!
Long handle sickle 長柄の鎌
1. Left swing 左振
2. Right swing 右振
3. Division 分振
4. Oblique construction 斜構
5. Half a month 半月
6. Tenjin 天地人
7. Ookugumi (Advance ahead) 大奥組(前進の先)
8. Ookugumi (after retirement) 大奥組(退後の先)
Liam Cognet
I found this video which I believe is the long-handled kama kata.
The weapon in this video has a chain, but the original document from the first post said that there was no chain.
The kata in the video do have the same name as the above list.
Liam Cognet
Here is a picture of a Long Handle Kama which comes from Kaminoda's book on Isshin Ryu.
Here is a step by step description of some of the kata.
And here are a few more sites where the Long Handle Kama is listed.
On this page the set is referred to as the “Ryogoro Uchida Series”.
This page refers to the long handle sickle set as “Kaiden”
Juttejutsu and Hojojutsu are curiously absent from this page.
A site which sells the long handle kama (Kama-gata Chigirigi)
Last edited by Liam Cognet; 22nd November 2019 at 03:53. Reason: Spelling
Liam Cognet