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Thread: training for an enemy

  1. #1
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    Default training for an enemy

    There was a bully in high school who trained in martial arts and in fact 40 years later he runs a school. At times I train specifically thinking about if I would need to fight him. It does pull training back to martial effectiveness
    I will probably never see this person unless I choose to. Any thoughts on if this is a good or bad thing?Len McCoy

  2. #2
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    If I may....

    If you are speaking about this as a motivation for training, I don't think there is necessarily anything bad about it.

    But if you are thinking beyond that, I'd suggest thinking a little bit more.

    First off, we are talking 40 years ago. That's a long time to nurse something like that, and it's probably unhealthy. Second, we are talking a bully. Not to dismiss the lasting psychological damage someone like that can do, or the desire to smash his face in, but to me, an enemy is someone who means to kill or maim you or family members. Maybe its just me, but I put those things in different categories.

    Finally maybe he's changed? Maybe he is a different person now? Maybe you do know whether this is true or not.

    If you don't, and want to know, I'd ask to meet with him over a coffee, or even a (non-challenging) dojo visit and talk about it, maybe share both or your continued interest in martial arts, and perhaps address and move beyond past wrongs.

    Dojo storming is a juvenile idea these days. Only children and untested/unproven people (mostly to themselves) would have any use for it. So I'd suggest not taking it there.

    Dunno if that is what you are looking for, but FWIW.

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    First you are right enemy is not the right word, I was trying to type from my phone and had a hard time typing "real opponent". No I have no intention of dojo storming. It is more like he might have practiced his kata twenty times today maybe I should go for 30 etc. Yes I hope he is a better person now. Maybe when the plague is over I might visit his school and politely bow and ask if I can watch his class. Good chance neither of us would recognize each other. Quite frankly I can picture no good outcomes from two guys pushing 60 going full out at each other without some kind of rule set and referee.
    Hope this is a little clearer. Most importantly I generated some conversation here
    Len McCoy

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by len mccoy View Post
    Most importantly I generated some conversation here
    Heh. Yes I am afraid the world has passed us by. One day E-Budo will be the electronic equivalent of finding a dusty old densho in a bookshop.

    I think in the sense you are describing, it makes sense and is a positive. It reminds me of the posters I've seen in some police weight rooms: yoked up men, obviously in prison, working out and asking the reader (ostensibly a police officer) if they are training as hard as the man being pictured.

    Different stakes, of course, but a similar inspiration.

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