Since Miyazato sensei was President of the Okinawan Judo federation the U.S. Air Force would invite him to accompany the Air Force Judo Team from Okinawa to Japan when we needed a coach. He liked that because it was a free trip to Japan to see relatives and catch up on politics. He was a very good Judoka as well as Goju-ryu karate master. I remember once he drove me to his new dojo in north side of Naha and allowed me to train there for an hour or so. After that I would go up once a week to train and learn from him. Goju is a very different type of karate that I was used to and I was usually drained of energy after practice. At any rate I would never practice Matsubayashi-ryu or Goju-ryu karate formerly at a dojo again. Miyazato sensei passed away in December 11, 1999. Eiichi Miyazato : biography - Eiichi Miyazato biography, Early life, Later life, Karate career (.

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Photo from 1951 in the garden of Miyagi Chojun's house. Behind the Master (sitting), standing from left to right Miyazato Ei'Ichi, Meitoku Yagi and Seikichi Toguchi (