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Thread: New Jersey Judo Clubs (Morris County)

  1. #1
    Scanderson Guest


    Dear Judo exponents -

    I need some help. I may be moving to New Jersey in the Morris County area and I can't find a USJI or USJF dojo or club nearby. Might any of this forum know of a good judo club? It doesn't have to be huge or of Olympic quality - I just want to continue my Judo education and receive instruction from an acredited sensei.

    The Job I may get will be in Florham Park / Madison area and the only dojo I found that does judo is called South Mountain Martial Arts, founded by Dayn DeRose, who teaches Judo, Ju Jutsu, Sombo, and other arts - I really want a teacher who specializes - not a "jack of all trades, master of none". However, Mr. DeRose is a member of the USJJA and appears to be a notable instructor - does anyone here know of this person?

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Stephen C. Anderson

  2. #2
    captainkirk Guest

    Smile judo clubs in morris county

    shimamoto judo center in south orange is a very good club.i practiced there for several years.dayn deRose used to teach there and i would also recommend any dojo he is running.

  3. #3
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    Welcome to ebudo,

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  4. #4
    Scanderson Guest

    Question Could you elaborate?

    Thank you you Admiral Kirk, but I was wondering if you could elaborate more on Mr. DeRose's credentials? Is there anything you can tell me about his teaching style and how he runs his classes? Is randori a significant part of the class?

    Thanks - I really appreciate the help!

    Stephen C. Anderson

  5. #5
    captainkirk Guest


    i am pretty sure dayn is a sandan in judo.he also has a black belt in karate.i have never practiced at his club in particular, just with him at Shimamoto judo. are you interested in competition or what? madison is close enough to south orange that you could go to both.Shimamoto judo club is a great place for competition judo.

    matthew kirk

  6. #6
    Scanderson Guest

    Wink Sure!

    Competition? Sure! I'll compete, even though I am an old man at 37 years of age! At 6 foot 3 inches and 270 pounds I can hold my own. I am just looking for quality instruction.

    Can De Rose deliver or what? YOu still havent answered my questions, though I appreciate the help!

    Stephen C. Anderson

  7. #7
    captainkirk Guest


    like i said i havent been to his club. i have only practiced with him and he was a great teacher then (10 years ago). I am sure he has only gotten better.give him a try.
    matthew kirk

  8. #8
    Scanderson Guest

    Talking Thanks!

    Thanks Matt.

    Stephen C. Anderson

  9. #9
    MarkF Guest


    Give Meik Skoss an email. He is playing judo these days, with a very traditional teacher, Kodokan Judo, and the Jo, as well.

    Just ask if he can recommend someone near you. I'd trust his word about a teacher in New Jersey. I think he is in Princeton, but he should know. His email is

    I doubt he is competing. Even at your age you should give a thought to taking it easy.


  10. #10
    Scanderson Guest

    Cool Thanks Mark!

    Thanks - according to DeRose's dojo website, Meik Skoss and his wife are teachers at DeRose's dojo in Madison, NJ, so from what I am reading, this bodes well. Great. I have a very good Sensei now and want to keep the level of instruction high in the event I move to NJ. The only thing that concerns me is that it does not appear to be USJF or USJI affiliated, but beggers cannot be choosers, I guess. I will send Meik an Email.

    As far a competing at my age, I do plan to take it easy, and just compete at promotionals, and "senior" events (35 and older) perhaps - but I really do judo for fitness. At the last promotional I attended, old AND young alike were being hauled away in stretchers by ambulance crews with twisted knees and separated shoulders....does indeed make one think. I recall reading an excerpt from a Draeger letter (I think from the Svinth collection) in which he states that Judo is "the great crippler" of martial arts. Maybe I should consider Aikido as I age?

    Stephen C. Anderson

  11. #11
    MarkF Guest


    Well, I didn't escape without injury, and I doubt even at the most principled aikikai dojo one with experience can claim that either. Ukemi is ukemi and it tends to beat us up some, but Donn Draeger was correct, IF you do it to win and begin winning in a hurry.

    I had a long distance discussion a while back with Diane Skoss about the DeRose dojo, and it isn't hung up in the politics of such as the USJI, USJF, etc. Derose's teachers are well known Kodokan teachers and so you probably won't find that end of promotion tournaments but that doesn't mean you need to be promoted by the USJI, etc.

    However, if you want acknowledgement with an organization, go with the USJF. They are the most conservative and why the USJA now exists. I was around when the USJF was called the US Black Belt Federation, and when Phil Porter sued to break the back of the USBBF to form the USJA, formerly known as the US Armed Forces Judo Association.

    Today, it seems a shame that people are somewhat ashamed by grades they deserve, and that those who deserve higher grades don't get them.

    All that said, I've been associated with the IJF and the USJF since forever, or at least since 1963 or 1964. It is voluntary association and one in which I've used the insurance program once or twice. Fukuda Sensei is pretty ornery when he wants to be, but I have to say that they haven't given up on their principles so the USJA could. Also, Dr. Karl Koiwai of the USJI is a lontime associate withing the US Judo programs, and was, in the late sixties, the head, or one of them, and has a history with the Kodokan.

    Today, I'm basically neutral in all this, and tournament play is completely voluntary, but I do require "participation" and to do as well as you can, but winning has never been a goal with me as a teacher, so I agree with Meik and Diane about the connection to an national org. However, be sure to check out the insurance plan they do have, and if you stay in shape you can do as well as those who do go to promotion events. When I came up, I'd never been in a dojo in which there were certain requirements and testing. If you go in knowing everyday that it may be the day you will no doubt be at least as good as those who "apply" or test for rank. Also, those who do not test are generally not very giving of black belt rank, as it is on their word as to whom does get a promotion, and the USJF and others tend to take the word of member teachers, anyway.

    I have club shiai as often as can fit into the time constraints, so that will do nicely.

    Rant over, back to work!

    If you do go, and do judo with Meik, let us know if he really is any good at it.


  12. #12
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    Default Dayn DeRose


    My brother and I have been practicing judo since November 1965. We have sandan certificates from both the USJF and the Kodokan.

    Our dojo is registered with the USJF. We have insurance from three different carriers - a traditional insurance company, a company that specializes in martial arts insurance, and the USJF.

    We earned our ranks, and have acquitted ourselves well against experienced judo competitors over many years. My brother has had hip surgery and no longer participates in randori, but runs vigorous classes which are evenly split between newaza practice and tachiwza practice. At forty five, I am still active in judo.

    Mr. Anderson, please feel free to drop by the dojo to see if it suits you.

    Captain Kirk, thank you for your remarks. It is good to hear from you.

    And, by the way, Meik Skoss is a skilled judo player who would be even better if he could find more time to practice.

    Daryn DeRose Ph.D.

  13. #13
    MarkF Guest


    If assumptions were living things, mine would jump up and bite me on a regular basis.

    I've heard nothing but good things about your dojo, mainly by word of Mr. Skoss, and why I recommend that people contact him or your dojo.

    Welcome to E-budo! I hope you can make the occasional post on the judo forum.

    Thanks for writing,

    Mark F. Feigenbaum

  14. #14
    Scanderson Guest

    Smile Thank you for the gracious invitation...

    Dear Mr. DeRose - thank you for your reply and invitation. My wife is from Madison, NJ, so regardless of whether or not I move to Morris County, I will take you up on your offer and pay a visit to SMMA. We visit there frequently and during the holidays.

    I am glad to learn that your dojo is USJF registered - it does mean something to me - unfortunately, I did not get that sense from the SMMA website. Thanks for confirming.

    Best regards.

    Stephen C. Anderson

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