This is probably not jo specific, but since that's pretty much all I train in right now, so thought it might be applicable.
And possibly it's another "ask your sensei" question, but I'm feeling a little touchy about asking him just yet (I bonked him a couple weeks ago).
So here goes:
Every once in a while, one of us will whack, stab or bonk a training partner. To me it seems somewhat inevitable. My movements aren't perfect, never will be, and I try my best to attack with resolve, while at the same time using a degree of control.
But it doesn't always work out. I don't draw my bokken fast enough to parry, or my partner breaks into a different kata suddenly without realizing it, somebody slips (we train outside, sometimes it rains), etc.
So what would be the etiquette in such a situation (assuming your not too busy calling an ambulance)? What would be appropriate in Japan? Is there any formal apology or indication of regret that a person would express? Does it vary from martial group to martial group?
-Charles Lockhart