Originally posted by Kitodon]
I am a Kito Ryu pratitioner in Australia we are afuilliated with the Japanese Hombu who bestow our ranks via our head who is an 8th dan. My shihan is a 6th dan and the highest pratising rank in Australia.
Let's see. Mr. Taylor, you are affiliated with Hombu in Japan in Kito-ryu and hombu gave permission to your teacher to teach a koryu along with Kodokan Judo and you give dan-i grades. That IS interesting. I wonder if Uchino-Sama knows about it.
If you know so much about Kito-ryu, don't you think there is a bit of conflict here? While I am sure your 'master' is highly graded, an 8th dan in Japan in kito-ryu would draw stares from people involved in budo while the original school of kito-ryu operates quietly, rarely giving anyone permission to teach its waza. Doesn't that make you question what you do as probably judo mixed with a jo, bo, or any other weapon, plus the fact that it probably isn't really Kodokan Judo (I am sure your misspelling of Kodokan as 'kodakan' is just a typo though some people did and still do romanize it [wrongly] that way)?
Have you never asked yourself questions about what it is you really do?
BTW: A 6-dan in Kodokan Judo is rarely given to anyone with less than forty years experience and that still puts some short of the time-in-grade requirement. I won't even go into what it takes to be graded 8-dan in Judo. As an aside, who graded the hombu 'master' 8-dan? The BOD?
Thank you very much. Indeed, your post was very helpful.