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Thread: Did Choki Motobu' style just vanish from the face of the earth?

  1. #1
    Hiroshi Guest

    Default Did Choki Motobu' style just vanish from the face of the earth?

    It sure as hell seems that way. I don't think anyone still practices his style of Kempo.

  2. #2
    kusanku Guest


    Yes, they do, in Japan, the successor to his successor student, still teaches it there, and if you want details, ask Joe Swift, I think he knows.


  3. #3
    kusanku Guest


    Also, I think one of his sons still teaches karate in Okinawa, and recently visited Hawaii, ask Charles Goodin, who I believe wrote the article I read about that.

    These two are the only ones I know of, of course, a number of other teachers, studied with Motobu and then founded theoir own styles, based on his and others teachings.


  4. #4
    kusanku Guest


    Knew it was something like that,thanks for the info.I thought their Naihanchi was similar.Thanks for the information.They do some techniques from it, too, I was told by other sources.That's expensive video though.

  5. #5
    kusanku Guest


    It has been said that Japan is the most expensive place on earth to live.With that, the video prices alone would do me in financially!

    'S too rich for my blood!Mebbe, if I were a world famous Kick Boxing , Round Kicking,Groundfighting dude,trained inside an Okinawan Pig Barn, ???(Man, that just wouldn't Work! Think about the implications of hogs running wild on a floor-Yeesh!)and never heard that dojo were those, either, like some we know, I could afford to pay the hundred and learn some stuff.:smokin:

    But I'm jus' a poor, kata doin' karate usin' guy and can only salivate at the thought of such tasty treats as are available on Japanese video, and I mean the kata stuff before anyone says anything about any other types videos also available in Japan and I don't even wanna know what those are.

    Anyway, that's interesting that their prices are over three times what they are in the US.


  6. #6
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    I know that Kosho-Ryu Kempo and Motobu's style use the same coat of arms, And I have heard that Mitose was a nephew or some relation to his. How similar are the two styles?
    "Hard won, buy easy lost. True karate does not stay where it is not being used."

  7. #7
    Hiroshi Guest


    He's just spouting some of the Kosho Ryu propaganda that tries to connect Kosho Ryu to real, legitimite Kempo.

  8. #8
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    First of all, I am NOT a student of Kosho-Ryu now or ever. I asked a legitimate question on the styles techniques out of curiousity because I have heard alot of speculation that they were almost the same system just with the name changed and I wanted input on someone who has actually seen both. If you would like to get your head out of your arse and contribute with some insight Mr. Marshall I would be more than happy to hear LEGITIMATE reasons why the styles are not the same even though they use the same coat of arms and Mitose acknowledges him as one of his teachers.
    "Hard won, buy easy lost. True karate does not stay where it is not being used."

  9. #9
    Hiroshi Guest


    They don't use the same coat of arms, that's Kosho Ryu propaganda. Kosho Ryu is a fake style founded by a conman and murderer. I've seen Mitose's book, and I've seen some of Motobu's book, their styles don't look very similar.

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by Kevin73
    First of all, I am NOT a student of Kosho-Ryu now or ever. I asked a legitimate question on the styles techniques out of curiousity because I have heard alot of speculation that they were almost the same system just with the name changed and I wanted input on someone who has actually seen both. If you would like to get your head out of your arse and contribute with some insight Mr. Marshall I would be more than happy to hear LEGITIMATE reasons why the styles are not the same even though they use the same coat of arms and Mitose acknowledges him as one of his teachers.
    There was a thread recently on Kosho. The upshot of it was that there was really no conection between Kosho and Motobu (at least at the technical level)

    Take a look at

    Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo

    And this

    More Kosho Shorei Questions


  11. #11
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    Thanks for the links to the other posts on this. I got my information from a Kenpo site (I think it was Kenpo Exchange) where they tried to put up history of William Chow, Mitose, and Ed Parker and it was there that they mentioned about the speculation of the Mitose/Motobu correlation. But, like most MA history it seems for every one time I hear one thing there is another saying that it isn't so.
    "Hard won, buy easy lost. True karate does not stay where it is not being used."

  12. #12
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    " Dragon Times/ Tsumami Production " will be selling the Motobu tape sometime in the future.You can read about in Vol 18 and their tapes sell from $ 30.00 to $ 50.00.

  13. #13
    kusanku Guest


    Guess I am not moving to Japan anytime soon.:-)

    Rob- That is my understanding too, Kosho Ryu does not equal Motobu Kenpo.

    Ken, thanks for info on tape coming out from Tsunami.Still kinda high, maybe someone will show theirs at a dojo near me.:-)

    Wonder if anyone ever filmed Motobu and it survived. Now that would be interesting.Maybe that match with the Boxer.What would anyone pay for that tape?I might even plunk down some of the elusive sponduie for that.

    Regards to all,

  14. #14

    Default ???

    Shoshin Nagamine, founder of Matsubayashi Ryu, studied under Chokki Motobu, as well as Chotoku Kyan and Arakaki Ankichi. Would this make make Matsubayashi Shorin the purveyor of Motobu's ideas about fighting?

    Bryan Seer

  15. #15
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    In the DRAGON TIMES Vol 18 , it states.

    " The Karate of Master Motobu : A new video to be released in the winter of 2001 which includes the Juni Hon Kumite techniques as well as the kata of the Motoburyu. $39.95 "
    Is this the same as your tape?

    In the article on the Motobu family it does mention the Quest Video which contains the Juni Hon kumite and the Naihanchin kata, 1,2,& 3.Hope this helps.

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