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Thread: Bunkai...Shoden no Kata

  1. #1
    Fred East Guest

    Default Bunkai...Shoden no Kata

    Hi All

    For some time I have been wondering about what the various Bunkai for Shoden no kata (as shown in Sensei's book) might be at the point where defender goes to one knee.
    I can see that it may just be a block against shinchokugiri but I can see more.
    Could you Nathan Sensei, help with any others please.

    best Regards

    Fred East, Somerset Budokai

  2. #2
    Fred East Guest

    Default Shoden no kata Bunkai

    Hi all
    Since my first post on this subject I have been thinking more about it and realised two distinct bunkai(interpretation of kata for real combat) which may be of interest and perhaps for confirmation by Soke or Nathan sensei:

    1. step forward instead of backwards into shinchokugiri by opponent and cut under arms as the stroke descends and complete with kiri age or other cut to suit opponents body position...
    2. step back as per the kata, then block and flip opponent's sword to the left and then deliver kiri age to an unprotected upper torso before the tsuki...

    best regards
    Fred East
    Somerset Budokai UK

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
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    Hi Mr. East,

    Sorry - I forgot to check this forum!

    In regards to discussing the intended application of movements in our kata and /or tachiuchi, I'd actually prefer not to discuss them publicly for a few reasons:

    1) Several ex-students have opted to "borrow" varying amounts of our physical curriculum into their own arts. These students did not train long enough to understand the reasons for doing our forms, so have only copied an empty shell, so to speak. I'd just assume allow them to create their own "bunkai".

    2) There is often more than one possible application for a technique and/or combination. It would be restrictive to just pick one of them and make it the "official" application. The advancing student should be researching the methods and thinking of possible applications. This is part of the learning process - self discovery through continued serious training.

    3) Even if I was inclined to offer our applications, it would be almost impossible to describe them accurately. These kinds of teachings definitely need to happen face to face on the mat, when the time is right.

    Keep in mind that kata are physical transmissions of a physical artform (as opposed to written transmission). The kata are a riddle of sorts, and the benefits of practicing them are sometimes not understood until much later. This is also true of movements or postures designed to condition the body to performance specific moves.

    In other words, kata and tachiuchi are not necessarily combative simulations. But knowing of your other budo experience, perhaps you were already aware of that!

    Sorry to not be of more help,
    Nathan Scott

    "Put strength into your practice, and avoid conceit. It is easy enough to understand a strategy and guard against it after the matter has already been settled, but the reason an opponent becomes defeated is because they didn't learn of it ahead of time. This is the nature of secret matters. That which is kept hidden is what we call the Flower."

    - Zeami Motokiyo, 1418 (Fūshikaden)

  4. #4
    Fred East Guest

    Default kata bunkai

    Thanks Nathan Sensei for the good response and although you didn't answer my direct query you did pass on something of value which I think is worth more than if you did and its good to get it out.
    Also 'borrowing' is certainly a problem and I have faced it here in Weston UK. It is a good idea not to let just anyone view a class without an appointment these days and then to get membership sorted out at the first session.
    Thankyou, Fred East

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