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Thread: Student waivers & insurance

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Corpus Christi, TX
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    Post Student waivers & insurance

    Does anyone have a really good student waiver they are willing to share.

    I am also looking for a good insurance agency.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Richard Elizondo

    "If you don't move, and you get hit, it's your fault. In combat there are no excuses, or chances to try again. If you are not training with this mindset, you are only fooling yourself."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Mechanicsburg, PA
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    Default Sample waiver

    Shop carefully for insurance. Identical coverage is provided by different companies at substantially different prices.

    Following is the release for we use. Compared to others I have seen -- most particularly the sample provided in the ACMA certification manual -- our form is rather simple, but it has worked for us. At the bottom of the actual form, there are spaces for the applicant to sign and provide mailing and e-mail addresses, phone numbers, etc.

    -- Bob Wolfe


    I, _______________, want to be a member of the Itten Dojo, to study and practice traditional Japanese martial arts.

    A representative of the Itten Dojo, Inc. has informed me that martial arts training will involve my participation in physically and mentally intense classes and my practicing, with other students, a variety of techniques capable of physically injuring, disabling, or killing another person.

    A thorough physical examination by my personal physician reveals that I have no medical or physical condition which, in his opinion, could prevent my participation in the study and practice of traditional Japanese martial arts as taught by the Itten Dojo, Inc.

    I have been fully informed of the risks to me of physical injury or death that I am exposed to by participating in the study and practice of traditional Japanese martial arts. With full knowledge of the risks, I voluntarily and intelligently agree to assume those risks, and hereby release the Itten Dojo, Inc., its instructors, officers, and students from liability for any and all claims or causes of action that I, or my heirs or personal representatives may have, resulting from any physical, mental, psychic, or emotional injury or impairment that I may suffer while I am a member of the Itten Dojo. I understand that, by signing this document, I am giving up important legal rights, and I have been given the opportunity to review this document, and my rights, with an attorney of my choice, before I sign it.

    By signing this document, I am acknowledging that I have read it and had it explained to me, that I fully understand its contents and purposes, that I accept and agree with its contents and purposes, and that I have received an identical copy of this document, with all of the blanks filled in and signed.

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